Qualified : Trainings & Studies, Professional Graphic Designer, Visual Communcation, Web Design



Currently i am studying the new Adobe Programs Animate and Character Animator 2024.

Layout, Scribble, Storyboard, Illustration

  • Drafting & Drawing techniques

     Roland Pecher, Class for Ideas

Adobe Premiere / After Effects Animation

  • Movie Section, Animation. Project Organization and Workflow, Text and Object templates, Footage analysis, mounting Clips, Image editing, Sound editing and sound creation, Animated video clips, Transitions, Effects and Filters, Compositing, working with Screens, Video Retouching and filters, Import and Export functions, Film Editing

    Diploma 2015

Computer aided design & drawing techniques

  • Techniques in Photoshop and Illustrator in terms of scribble and layout, drawing, painting, illustrating.

    • Correct use of Tablet
    • Brush / Pattern Creation
    • Vectorization
    • Mix of photos and digitally created Content
    • Efficient use of Smart Objects
    • Selection and Masking techniques
    • Workflow optimization
    • Intensive exercises with pen and tablet in both programs

     Com­puter Studio

Photoshop, Illustrator & Indesign CC

Vector Graphics Illustrator

    • Working with Perspective Grid
    • Three-Dimensional Elements
    • Vectorization
    • Use of Fonts
    • Pattern Creation
    • Printing and Printcontrol
    • Clipping Masks

  •  Graphic Design

Font Creation

  • Creation of Fonts with Glyphs :

    • Drawing and Editing
    • Classification
    • Formats and Use
    • Typography

       Graphic Design


  • The craft handling and conceptual thinking in typographic communication. The design of print media of various kinds, reduced to typographical means (black/white)

  •  Paulus M. Dreibholz, Class for Ideas

User Interface Design

  • Theories, Principles and Guidelines for the Design of User Interfaces

    • History and Types
    • Information and Control Elements
    • Evaluation Criteria
    • Principles
    • Typical Project Phases
    • Practical Exercises

  •  Indus­trial Design

Media Technology : Web Design

  • Theoretical and technical basics of Graphic Web Design in terms of

    • Usability
    • Information architecture
    • Typography
    • Graphic Design
    • Color Theory

    Communi­cation skills at the interfaces between Graphic Designers and Programmers. Practical implemen­tation of Design Projects.

     Marcus Renn, Class for Ideas

Photoshop & Dreamweaver, HTML5 & CSS3

  • Technical News and Trends

    Diploma 2014

Web Design

  • Graphic Module : Photoshop, Fireworks, Flash
  • Dreamweaver
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Site Management
  • Project Module
  • Computer-English, Business English

     Gradu­ation 2001 with Honors

3D Visualization in Autodesk Maya

  • 3D Composition & Animation

  •  Diploma 10∗2014

Design & Drawing Techniques

  • Preparation of Illustrations & Design drawings for Presentation purposes

  •  Roland Pecher, Graphic Design & Advertising

DSLR Studio Photography

  • Digital Single-Lens Reflex Camera (DSLR) Studio Photography Workshop, Theory and Practice :

    • Shutter Speed
    • Aperture
    • Lenses
    • Photo­shooting and Trouble­shooting
    • Image Post-Processing with &Adobe Lightroom

  •  Photo­graphy & Film

Print Graphics

  • Working with Photoshop
  • Working with Indesign
  • Working with Illustrator
  • Working with PDF Files
  • Independend Work

    Graduation with Honors

Media Design

  • Theoretical aspects of Digital Media Design
  • Photoshop for Print & Screen
  • Graphic Design with Illustrator
  • Layout with Indesign
  • Typography and Design for Print & Screen
  • Web Production with Dreamweaver

Design Theory

  • Thinking and Development Processeses in the field of Design, Color phenomena, Classification systems, Pictorial Space and Composition, Spatial Perception, Constructive and Lyrical Abstraction, Function of Art. Design Theory for supporting the Individual Form language

  •  Design

Exhibit Correctly

  • Exhibition preparation and Opening of the Exhibition, Works Register, Information on and award of works, Public Relations, Event Organization; focus Minimal Art, Constructive Art. Theory and Practice, Galerie Georg Haslinger in the Arnulf Rainer house in Vienna

Professional Text Design

  • Professional Text Design and the Internet as an opportunity for Public Relations offensive

     Pressrelease Austria

Advertising Psychology

  • The Understanding of Relationships of the Consumer Behavior has strategic importance for advertising.

  •  Cordula Cerha, Advertising

Advertising Business Law

  • Legal requirements for Products, Packaging and Advertising. Copyright and Trademarks

A-Trust / Sign

  • Qualification Registration Officer

Apprentice Trainer

  • Instructor course including Technical discussion 1997


  • Reasoning & Communi­cation, Elocation & Vocal Techniques, Conflict Resolution, Sales-oriented Communication, Customer Orientation, Sales Psychology

Modern Foreign Language : Italian

  • Community College course Italian Advanced (refresher course)

Modern Foreign Language : Russian

  • Basic knowledge of Russian in written & spoken

Academy of Commerce : German, English, French

  • German, English including Business English, French including Business French, freely selectable teaching lessons in modern languages : ​​Italian, Information Management, Business Management, Special Business Management - Foreign Trade, Accounting and Controlling, Political Education - State and Law, Economic and Social History, Economic Geography, Chemistry, Physics, Biology - Ecology and Goods Doctrine, Applied Mathematics, Economics

Angelina zur Animation

I am concerned with Calligraphy and Penmanship since my childhood, have developed my own symbolic Cryptography and master the Cursive.


922 Stars
Star Star Star Star Star

Graphic Designer
Contact : Verena Engel
Graphic Designer Web Designer
(+43) 664 ⁄ 6576471

Viehweide 7/1
A-7142 Illmitz
Engerthstrasse 82 A-1200 Vienna Austria

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©opy Verena Engel ®ight
Webdesigner: ENGEL Grafik Web Design



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ENGEL Graphic Web Design Verena Engel Graphic Designer Web Designer Illustration

Graphic Design Responsive Web Design Illustration

Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Illustrator